“Learners we can all be proud of.”

Hosting an EVC training course

Education Vision Consultancy (EVC) offers a range of low-cost training courses and CPD events, locally hosted by schools and other organisations. Host schools benefit from the convenience of having the training delivered on site, making it more convenient for the members of staff attending and reducing any travel costs and cover required by the school. Depending on the size of the venue, host schools are allocated one or more free places and they can book additional places, if required, at a 20% discount.

In return, host schools provide a suitable training space and access to tea/coffee for delegates. Access to computers is required for some courses, but not for others.

If you are interested in hosting future courses at your school, please get in touch to outline the areas you are interested in. If agreement can be reached about which course(s) you will host and when, further details can be provided, to allow a final decision to be made. You may only want to host a single course, especially in the first instance. Or you may prefer a longer term relationship and want to host two or more courses over a period of time.

EVC does all the marketing and handles all bookings and invoicing. EVC also takes the risk of only attracting a small number of bookings, however courses do require a minimum of two external delegates in order to run.

Schools sometimes want to send out information about courses to their own networks of contacts and this is positively encouraged.  EVC can support this by providing a standard course flyer containing all the details, in pdf format. This can help to ensure that courses go ahead, however it is entirely optional.

Which courses currently need host schools?

This varies, depending on what courses are currently in the diary, but can include:

If you are interested in an area that is not listed above please get in touch as EVC may well be able to offer something.

If you would like to discuss your requirements further,
please contact us.